Enjoy The Great Nature: Austin, NV


Travel Austin, NV, and Spencer Hot Springs

Tourist Information

Stokes Castle

Austin’s iconic Stokes Castle, a three-story stone tower, is located on the outskirts of town. Built in 1897 as a summer home for his son by Anson Phelps Stokes, an eastern banker and real estate developer who also built the Nevada Central Railroad, it was abandoned after only about a month of use.


Toiyabe Cafe

It is one of several cafes. It is open until the evening.
We arrived in the morning, so we had breakfast. It’s a very ordinary cafe. The decorations in the store are interesting. I heard the soft-serve ice cream is popular, but I didn’t try it.

International Cafe & Bar

The hotel was built in Virginia City in 1859 and moved to Austin in 1863. When it was in Virginia City, it was the International Hotel, with an attached four-story lodging building. The International Hotel is said to be the oldest structure in Nevada.
Now, it is a cafe. The old look is amazing. We had lunch. If you want to eat, you might want to go to Toiyabe Cafe. The bar section, which opens at night, was nice. (We forgot take any pictures.)


There are some shops that are not open on weekdays. There are almost no people during the daytime on weekdays, but there may be a lot of people on weekends and holidays.

The Trading Post

We went on a weekday and it was closed. They sell turquoise, a local specialty. If you go north from Austin, you will find Crescent Valley where the rare Lander Blue turquoise is mined.

The Trading Post

Little Bluebird Turquoise

Little Bluebird Turquoise

This shop was also closed on weekdays. They seem to sell turquoise silver jewelry. I saw some information about turquoise at the Museum of History.


Lander County Courthouse

The courthouse was used from 1871 to 1979.
In 1979, the court moved to the Lander County seat to the Battle Mountain. The courthouse building remains a historic building.

Lander County Courthouse


Spencer Hot Springs

Spencer Hot Springs is located at the top of a hill on Route 50 east to Route 376 and then on a dirt road from Austin. It’s about a 30 minute drive from Austin. It’s a dirt road, but you don’t need a 4-wheel drive vehicle to get here.

Spencer Hot Springs

The temperature of the source is high, the hot water in the pond is about 110 degrees. Many of the hot springs in the United States are lukewarm under 100 degrees, so the temperature is suitable for Japanese.
It’s a simple alkaline spring, or it’s clear and colorless and its have three main sources.. There are two types of hot springs: one is a feed bucket used for feed, and the other is a pond with mud of the bottom.

Spencer Hot Springs

Please keep in mind that this is a closing optional with no facilities such as changing rooms, etc., as is typical in the United States, so please keep that in mind. There are many campers here, but not many campers on weekdays.

Spencer Hot Springs

You can camp for free on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. You are allowed to camp freely for 14 days within a consecutive 28 day period.
BLM Facebook

Also, note that there are pronghorn, burro, cow, and horse droppings all over the place.
I see that the dung is dotted everywhere, so it’s a territorial marker. I guess it’s pronghorn stuff.


Spencer Hot Springs is surrounded by dry grasslands and is home to many wild animals.
Our editorial team encountered pronghorns. They were so alarmed that they quickly moved away from us. From a distance it looks like a deer, but they are antelopes (not a deer and not a cow) and is a different species.
Pronghorn is the fastest land animal in North America. It is the second-fastest mammal after the cheetah. They were galloping in herds with the male at the head of the pack. It’s hard to tell the male or female.
My original intention was to look for burros, but I happened to see running pronghorns.